Swannview link for PC:– These days gadgets definitely are a miracle but no less are the applications that come along with it. In today’s world we have a lot of great applications that have just changed our ways of thinking be it in matters of TV watching by Netflix, Music listening by Spotify and much more, today’s applications have eased up our way of life and we can’t be thankful enough for it.
Similarly, today we have another marvelous application that is made for the sole purpose of user surveillance and safety and a lot of thought and mind and thinking has gone into it.
Download Swannview link
Swannview link for PC, there will be three ways by which we can easily install the Swannview link for PC and they are as following:-
- By using the BlueStacks emulator
- By using the NoxPlayer emulator
- And by using the MEmu App Player emulator
So, let’s start of without further ado:-
1. Installation of Swannview link by the help of BlueStacks emulator:-
In order to Download/Install the Swannview link app for PC using Bluestacks emulator, Follow these steps :-
- To start off, we will have to download the Bluestacks emulator.
- So, Go to your desired web browser and Type in Bluestacks emulator on the Search bar.
- Now, you have to download the Emulator from the official website of bluestacks so the download is safe.
- Now, wait for The Bluestacks Software to install in your PC and then launch it once its done.
- After Bluestacks is launched there will be an interface in which you will be able to see the google play store.
- In the google play store, Login with your Google mail ID.
- once its all done you will be able to access the Playstore app
- now on the search bar of playstore type in Swannview link app and hit enter.
- now you can click on the top result and install and the application.
- now as per your internet speed the application will be installed.
- Once it is installed you can run it.
That was the procedure for Installation of the app using Bluestacks Emulator and to move ahead lets see the steps of Nox App Player:-
Why do we need Swannview link for PC?
The application we are talking about is Swannview link for PC, this application is a tremendous application that will connect your NVR and DVR recorders together and use them up as a surveillance camera panel with lots of features and multi panel window.. by which you can easily have home security, office security, business security and a lot more.
In Simple terms Swannview link for PC is a network video recorder and also Digital video recorder viewer that will help you view all of the camera’s over the internet and that too multiple at a time so that you don’t have to toggle in between the cameras.
Firstly, in today’s world burglaries are at a rise and not just that there are a lot of breaking in reports and theft reports lately and they are just constantly at a high rise, there is no denying in this fact,
So, we all need a CCTV setup be it our houses, offices or business but the problem is that they cost a fortune of money to us. Not just setting the CCTV setup but also maintaining it has a cost but no more:-
Swannview link has many features on it and on top of all of this you just have to buy some decent or good camera according to your comfort and that’s all the expense you’ll have to pay for and most incredible thing is that the application itself is free to use. so, there’s no point on why not to use it.

Features of Swannview link for PC:-
- Free to use:- the best thing about this application is that it is completely free to use and all the cost it applies is for the camera that you will be needing.
- easy to set up:- the application is very easy to set up and you can easily set up your camera’s with the application in just seconds..
- Uses NVR and DVR recorders:- these cameras are way better than normal CCTV cameras and have no cost of maintenance as well thus making them cheaper and better.
- HD support:- the application supports HD cameras and viewing as well.
- User manageable application:- you can manage the settings manually and that too anywhere and anytime over the app.
- Multi panel view:- this option allows you to track multiple cameras at once so that you know everything that is happening behind your back.
- Live viewing:- on Swannview link for PC over the internet all of this can be watched all you need it just one stable internet connection.
2. Installation Of Swannview link using NoxPlayer:-
- To Download the NoxPlayer go to your web browser and type in NoxPlayer and hit enter.
- Now you can see the web result for its official website, go to it and install the NoxPlayer for your PC
- Once Nox is installed Run the application and Open the Google play Store which will be available on the home screen.
- Using your google account, log in onto the Play-store.
- Once that is done you can proceed with searching for Swannview link on the search bar.
- Select the top result and install it.
- According to your internet speed time may vary in terms of the installation.
- Once the download is done you can Run the application and use it.
So thats how we Install the app using Nox App Player now lets jump onto our last method and that is by Memu play:-

3. Installation Of Swannview link via Memu Play:-
- Memu Play is one of the best Emulator softwares out there and to download the Swannview link app by it firstly Download the Memu Play software From its official website.
- Once Memu play is installed in your PC, run it.
- Now you will be able to Sign in with the help of your Google account.
- Sign In to your Google account to access your Google play-store that will be on the home-screen of Memu Play.
- Now after opening the Play-store, on the Search bar type in Swannview link and then hit enter button.
- Now the top result is the main app you are looking for so install it.
- It will take time according to your internet connection and then the app will be installed.
- There you go now run the app and you are good to go 🙂
SO, thats how you install the Swannview link for PC using the following emulators.